Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Give your expensive clothes a little pampering with Dry Cleaning!

Humankind knows the dry cleaning from medieval times, only the special clothes used to get a treatment in a dry cleaning house. Now, the times have changed dry cleaning is not that expensive at it used to be.
The usage of a chemical known as Perchloroethylene (perc) is widely used in the process. There is no or limited usage of water in the process. Moreover, there is availability of liquid carbon dioxide (CO2), which is an eco friendly cleaning solvent helps in the process of dry cleaning. The residue is only a few sludge and waste water.
The liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) is one, which is an answer to the stakeholders who press on the issue of global warming. The usage of natural products like cedar gives a natural scent and the soothing smell gives a pleasant touch to the clothes. It is highly recommended when seasons are changing, the clothes need to be given at least for once to a dry cleaner, so that they can be kept in a closet, afterwards.
There are dry cleaners in Miami Beach area , on whom you can bank upon and they would be coming to your home to pick the clothes and return it after the treatment. They are a reliable and trustworthy source; moreover, they offer a good discount to their customers who are having a long lasting relationship with them.
The fabric of your clothes also determines the kind of treatment it requires. There is a division done on the basis of the fabric – cotton, silk, denim or any other stuff. It helps in differentiating the clothes at an initial stage, which eases the process for dry cleaners. There are designer clothes, which need special attention so dry cleaners without any extra charge would be taking care of the designer stuff and providing the best of the facilities. Then, dry cleaners as per the requirement deliver the clothes at your doorstep.
The stain on a cloth is removed in such a way that the mark is not visible as well as the clothes look as a fresh piece. The finishing of the cloth includes pressing, folding and packaging. If required, then finishing touch would be given for the betterment of the product.

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to find a Dry Cleaner?

It is important for us to take care of our clothes; there should be a provision that clothes should be kept neat and clean, as they deserve quality treatment. That is why; dry cleaners provide a ray of hope that the material provided to them is reciprocated in a unique and distinguished manner.

However, the question arises, how a dry cleaner is selected amongst a number of existing cleaners. There are some provisions listed below, which can help in choosing the best dry cleaner–

  • Word-of-Mouth :- WOM is always helpful in finding the best deal. Our colleagues, neighbors, relatives, and friends can tell us about the best dry cleaner in our town, which provides best of the services. It not only helps in ensuring that our clothes are going in right hands but also gives an assurance that the end result would be accurate and up to the mark.
  • Customer Service :- A satisfied customer is always going to increase your business and newer aspects are going to open, which will help in the growth of the business. Therefore, it is important to provide best of services, which is the only way of assuring that the customer is satisfied and return back. There are small things, if taken care of, can give big results. Say, picking, and delivering clothes from the doorstep of a customer can help in providing a clean image of a dry cleaner. There are dry cleaners in Miami located near the beach area, who provide this facility.
  • Damage Control :- In a business, where expensive clothes need to be dry-cleaned, there are at times some fringes left by the dry cleaners. This needs to be taken care off by the dry cleaner and damage control measure need to be in place. If delivered with a patch of sausage, then it needs to be taken back as soon as possible, so that it should be cleaned properly, and ensure that there is no other mark left on the cloth. This should not be repeated again as might deteriorate the image and it should be returned with an apology.   
  • Price :- The price of dry cleaning is always under consideration amongst customers. Keeping all the things in mind, adoption of a price centric approach helps both, customer and the owner of a dry cleaning firm. Therefore, it is important to be in a win-win situation, which is helpful in the long run.